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Post-showcase post-mortem!

Board of the Kings: A Chess RPG
A browser game made in HTML5

The Capital Creative Showcase has completed!

Actually, it finished on 4/20. We weren't sitting at the booth for two weeks straight. We  just took some well-earned R&R as a team (with or without the booth; it made for a terrible surfboard).

First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone who played our game at the booth, and a huge thank you for voting for our booth and game at the expo. We won awards!

If you want to try a demo of our (now award-winning) game, you can always play or download the demo here:

We're still figuring out plans this week. We received a lot of excellent feedback on both our single-player and local PVP matches. We'll be acting on that soon, and then likely go back to the dreaded vertical slice (shop keeps, troops, landmines, and quests, oh my!!). We're hopeful that with the support we receive, we can build out something truly unique (and strange) using the traditional 8x8 grid. Or BIGGER. Or smaller.

Battles fit for a King (or Kingette) !

If you really like this concept and want to see it grow, please consider supporting or subscribing to our Patreon. Each dollar helps our showcase costs, coffee supply, and eventually game costs.

You'd be supporting a wonderful team of creative, smart, and dedicated developers.

We always work on these ideas as a team, and we try really hard to get feedback from players and other game developers to make sure our RPG Chess-like is fun, challenging, funny, and bafflingly bizarre as it goes further.

Expect this dev log to calm down for a while, until we're ready to show further updates again.

However, we have a link.tree with all our various social medias. Watch your favorites!

'Til next time, Kings and Kingettes !

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