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Basic Level Blocking

Jail Jump
A browser game made in HTML5

Basic Level Blocking

This weeks update surrounds level blocking and element implementation.  Two levels were designed throughout this process. The first level demonstrates for the player the basic movements of the game by having them have to use both the teleportation and eight-way movement. The second level introduces obstacles such as moving boxes which block paths.  

The design process for level one was very much a learning experience that laid down how level design is to be approached throughout the rest of the game.  It began by laying down platforms as a mock-path to test wall spacing, next the walls could be put in according to this template. This created the first design issue as the character could teleport within walled areas, a collision test was then a necessity for the portal object to determine if the area was safe to travel to. After that, the level walls were cleaned up and the exit point was added. Since the level was fully implemented it was tested through a friend of mine, who played the level to completion with no bugs. A playthrough of this level is shown below. 

Completion of the first level has simplified the method for ongoing level creation, as the key game objects such as the walls could be turned into prefabs and platform spacing had been calculated.  Through the first level the camera was also updates to a cinemachine camera that follows the player at a lens ortho size of seven.

Level two is where the level design started to become more complex as it had moving objects. These moving objects are the basis for future enemies, but for now the goal was for them to affect how the player manoeuvres through the level as the boxes open and close paths. The layout of this level was simple to implent, using similar positions as level one, but with a more clear route since level interaction will be more lenient on the moving obstacles. Next came the implementation of the moving boxes, their code is a modification of the move between two points code given in tutorials, but is updated to reverse after reaching the end point so the objects lerp back and forth eternally until a level is complete. For this each box object has this movement code attached which is then connected to start and end point game objects which they move between. After the movement code was tested and functional the level was then once again tested by my friend. He found that the level took longer than the first, because the addition of the moving objects meant he had to spend extra time finding the right path to victory. There were no bugs found during this level playthrough, and it was smooth sailing. Through my own personal testing, it was found that sometimes the game objects get stuck at the end of a lerp, although it is unclear why this only happens every so often. Also when the player is mashed against the wall by a box, the player is unaffected. Code will have to be added to test if collision with the box is simultaneous with the left or right wall or another box to detect if the player should take damage. Through this weeks design process the future needs for this game are becoming more clear which will hopefully lead to a better player experience.

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