is community of indie game creators and players


Development Log May #1

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hello, everyone! 
After some time without news on the development front, I have several exciting updates to share with you.

  • Firstly, I've been dedicating time to refining the posing and rendering for a very special event featuring Susan in the upcoming version. This event is going to be substantial—so much so that it will comprise half of the next release. Our team is eager to reveal more to all the Susan fans out there, but for now, we ask for your patience. 
  • Many of you have been asking about the release of Project Atmosphere on Steam. I'm pleased to announce that we're actively working on it! The game has already been prepped for its debut on this platform. We've taken the opportunity to shape Jesse's storyline, introducing exclusive new events and enhancing existing ones to ensure a more cohesive experience. Soon we will give you more news about the game's release on Steam. 
  • Lastly, I'm happy to report that nearly all the dialogues for the new version have been written, and numerous corrections have been made to make the text more readable and ensure smooth flow throughout. 

As you can see, we're putting in a lot of effort to deliver the best possible content in the new version and minimize your wait time. 

Thanks for staying with us and we wish you a fantastic weekend ahead. Don't forget to trace our virtual trail on Twitter, Instagram, and; our survival depends on your vigilance.

Thank you for your support! Your enthusiasm and dedication are the true driving forces behind Project Atmosphere.  Yours truly, Dr. Mad and the crew.

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