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Friday Progress Update, May 3: "Saving the Princess"

Maid to Please
A downloadable Adult Visual Novel

Friday Progress Update, May 3: "Saving the Princess"

Hello, and happy Friday to ye all!

I'm back and predictably enough it's another progress report. More reliable than the weather forecast, I've heard some say.

So what's going on? Well, I'm rendering. Currently, we're deep into ice cream but I'm hopefully/sadly moving on to another location tomorrow. It's still early days so I have no predictions about anything yet, except that the update will be pretty large by my standards.

I had meant to talk about the gallery poll last Friday but it slipped my mind. So let's do that now.

All in all (Patreon+Subscribestar), the option to unlock all paths of a scene when you unlock it won by something like 90%. I expected it to win, but maybe not by that much.

The other poll topic, making the choices at the start of the scene, or during the scene, was more of a surprise to me. I thought making at the start would be the winner. I thought it'd be a great way to replay scenes. But during scene choices won, if only by 60-40. I'll still try to follow the majority vote but I won't feel terrible if I think some deviation here or there is fitting.

Other than that, I don't know what to talk about game related. So let's instead take a moment to celebrate that the ice cream season is soon upon us for real. Unless you live in the southern hemisphere in which case it's not, I guess.

Sometimes, I leave little clues in some images and some people notice them and comment on them. But sometimes, I do something I think is a bit funny, like in the short Miko night scene post-party, but no one comments on it. And I don't know if anyone in the whole world even noticed. I just wanted you to know this makes me a little bit sad. Nothing a scoop of ice cream can't fix.

Okay, I'll hop back into Daz and see if I can't whip up some more renders before it gets too late. See you guys again soon and thank you for your support!

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