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Change of Direction

A downloadable game for Windows

Hey everyone,

I hope you’re all doing great! I wanted to take a moment to share an important update regarding my game development journey.

As you may know, I initially worked on Mistbreakers which was an erotic game inspired by “Vampire Survivors” and all the other Bullet-Heaven games that popped up recently. It was a fun little project but I recently realized that it had one big flaw: No one really wanted a Survivors x Porn game.

So I’ve made the decision to pivot and focus on a new project: a Brothel Simulation Management game.

Why the Change?

While I was passionate about the concept of Mistbreakers, I realized that it leaned heavily on the combat gameplay more than the erotic aspects of it. People didn't really play these types of games to get horny after slaying hordes of monsters. The feedback about the game also supported that.

I also realized that my interests really lie in creating a rich and immersive simulation experience. The new game will allow me to explore complex systems and emergent gameplay, similar to other Management games and all while being closely knit with the porn aspects of the game.

What Does This Mean for You?

I want to assure you that your pledges and encouragement continue to fuel my passion. I’m still committed to delivering a game that we can all be proud of and have fun playing!

What’s Next?

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing more details about the Simulation Management game tentatively titled "Brothel Master".

Thank you for standing by me, and I appreciate your understanding as I transition to this new project. Let’s create something amazing!

Download Mistbreakers
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