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Chapter 7 released!

Hey everyone! Chapter 7 is done, proofread, and ready for the public eye. After that tense previous chapter, we’re bringing things down a bit, but there’s still plenty going on here including a proper explanation of how magic works and several new character introductions. This one ended up being longer than I ever intended — and I apologize for the unavoidable exposition as well, but I’m hoping that, once it’s illustrated, it should still keep the reader’s attention. I covet your feedback, positive and negative, so please leave it in the comments! Remember, this is still the rough draft and there are a lot of things that could potentially change — especially names. It’s not too late for me to clean things up before the final product, and your feedback can help with that. Just be polite and respectful is all I ask.

Download Threads of the New Dawn — Volume 1 (script rough draft)
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