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Crania's redesign.

Souls of The Goddess
A downloadable game for Windows

Hi everyone!

This post is to show you some of the updates the game will be receiving for it's next version.

If you want to learn about my games before anyone else, please consider supporting me at patreon or subscribestar.

This game is receiving a redesign. Mainly on the character model for Crania. I'm updating her model to add more geometry to allow foe better breast jiggle animations and more detailed legs and feet. These improvements have already been implemented in my most recent game project "Blessing of the Princess" There's a playable demo out right now. You can get try it by pledging $5 or more at my subscribestar page, or $10 or more at my patreon page

Other changes include a redesign of Crania's default outfit and a redesign of the first level of the game. The one that takes place in the desert. This changes are also done to better reflect a change to focus more on quality and better graphics.

Her new outfit includes a new double aztec style loincloth with a demon skull as a thong. A new bra made from demon bones and a redesigned hood that lets her longer braids flow freely during movement. 

Like Jacquelyn from my other game "Road of a Goddess" Crania can now skillfully swing her new scythes using her feet to transmit the whole strength of her long legs to each swing. These new weapons will have additional properties that will make your attacks stronger against certain enemies.

You can find more updates and many more screenshots at my patreon or subscribestar page. If you're interested in this game or any of my other projects . Please consider supporting me at patreon or subscribestar.

Also, follow me on twitter for additional free updates!

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