Posted April 30, 2024 by Devzera
#first updates #older versions #1.8 #update #beggining
Most recent update: v1.8
i´m not done with the project yet, but these 5 days of learning scratch were inspiring to me, it was a cool experience coding this game using such simple tool without knowing anything, anyway I'm proud of it but still have a lot more to learn.
- New Zombies: Brutus, Sprinter and Titaneous;
- New: Sounds: Zombies, Player and ambience (all made with my voice);
- New: MedKit (did it by myself 😎)
- Change: Name 'BulletZ' and logo (it was called zombie shooter before 💀 pretty generic huh?)
- Change: Graphics (tried to make avisual identity);
- Change: Loading and Game Over screen (5 of them to be more precise 🤓planning to add some more);
- Balanced: Zombies lifes, damage and speed, player shooting rate and walking speed. (opened beta just for that part)