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KIE Progress Report - Spring 2024

Not super sure on what to title this beyond something akin to "Here's why there hasn't been much progress on v.0.4"

The answer is pretty simple: Thief and I have both been very busy. We will probably be very busy for quite some time.  As such, I can make no promises about when the 0.4 update will be released. I mostly just wanted to write this quick little thing up just to show that the project hasn't been abandoned.

KIE is, effectively, "feature-complete", as it has everything we want in it that I feel is essential. That said, we do always have plans to do more, but as anyone in the creative space knows, feature creep is a slow and insidious killer. The roadmap to any sort of "1.0" release or being out of early access is mainly refining things until they reach a decent-enough point balance-wise, and refinement takes a very, very long time. This is partially due to playtesting requiring a pretty decent chunk of time investment on my part, and also because Lancer's inherent modularity means that interactions between different components needs to be kept in mind as we balance things.

Anyways, until next time,

- Max

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