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Sound Horizons Beta is available for play-test

Sound Horizons
A downloadable game

I've released a new video devlog! The informations are more or less the same than my previous post here, but I discuss more the game-design and difficulty balancing. It's also a good occasion to see the game in action!

But more importantly, I've published a beta version of the game for play-testing! It's still a very early build: there is no menu, only a single resolution, and you might even encounter a (non-blocking) bug or two. Its goal is mostly to get "early" feed-back on the difficulty, so that I can make some adjustments. I've already gathered a few testers, but clearly not enough, and I'm still looking for musician profiles.

So are you interested? If so, follow this link and follow the instructions!

I'm looking forward to your feed-back. The next post will probably be about how this beta was received, and the change that were made after it.

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