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Origami puzzles
A downloadable game

God this took SO long compared to my other projects, but it was worth it.

For those of you who think that I was dead the past few months, i'm back! And with 30 (TRIPLE the amount of puzzles) new handcrafted puzzles! This is definitely the puzzle game where i've spent the most time and effort on, nearing 4 months of development. for reference, multi-screen sokoban took about 1 month. I grew a ton from this experience, from actually thinking of puzzles instead of the crappy bullshit games I designed on puzzlescript which literally just used the online solver, to spending hours a day just coming up with one goddamn puzzle. Of course, I also realised that puzzle books are probably where i'm going to head towards - I enjoy the feel of coming up with puzzles on paper/my ipad, and there's no coding!

I'm still not fully satisfied with what i've done so far, especially with some of the puzzles. Puzzle 6 sucks a ton because of the solution technically involving something that's supposed to be introduced later, and the fact that it is VERY related to the next puzzle (you'll know when you get there). I'm still not fully sure if puzzle 12 did it's job well, and puzzle 27 and 29 may be too intimidating. And the difficulty curve... don't beat yourself up if you can't do puzzle 12 to 14 until very late on.

Even with the imperfections, I can confidently say that this is my best puzzle game so far, by a very very large margin. I'm still surprised how much depth could be squeezed out of this simple mechanic (for you people who saw this after the update, I said that 10 puzzles was probably the maximum I could squeeze out. I was SO wrong.) I still have so much more to explore with the mechanics, so I guess i'll see you guys (thanks for checking this page by the way) when the next update or game comes out!



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  • Origami Puzzles 660 kB
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