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Update v0.4.7.4 - Shop Update!

Kingdom of Pixels - 2D MOBA
A browser Kingdom of Pixels made in HTML5

Hello everyone! The new update is here!

▌New Feature: Shop!

  • A place to spend Gold earned after battles has been added!
  • Currently, only Heroes are purchasable at the shop, with more items planned for the future.
  • Five Heroes are now free for everyone, with the rest costing Gold in the Shop.
    • The free Heroes are Kumihu, Belle, Thomas, Hazel, and Arel.
  • Ranked now requires the player to purchase at least one Hero to play.
  • Gold can also be earned by watching an ad (located on the navigation bar of the Shop).


  • Added the settings button to draft phase, allowing settings like mouse controls to be changed while selecting a Hero.
  • Replaced the darkened backgrounds behind popups with a blurred background.
  • Friends list now has a height limit and becomes scrollable once that limit is reached.


  • A new mode is currently being developed, stay tuned to learn more!


Kira has been strong for a while now, able to deal lots of damage and heal at the same time. Part of the reason she gets away with so much is because of her passive benefitting from lower cooldowns. To reduce her power overall, a cooldown nerf has been given to her abilities.

During Rapid Fire, enemies could easily catch up to Foxy due to the low move speed during its cast, and could also take minimal damage if the enemy Hero timed its jumps correctly. Foxy will be given a slight increase to his speed while casting Rapid Fire to help him kite better.

He needs it.

  •  Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 51


A long cooldown, a relatively small area of effect, and a higher price due to being off of the Katana line have made Divine Katana a much less used item. A buff to its silence radius and a reduction to its price will be added to make it slightly better.

  •  Item Cost: 500 (1150 total) ⇒ 475 (1125 total)
  •  Silence Radius: 75px ⇒ 80px

While having the potential to be powerful, Corrupted Katana gets outshined by cheaper alternatives. A slight reduction to its price should allow it to be used in more situations.

  •  Item Cost: 630 (1280 total) ⇒ 600 (1250 total)

Corrupted Longbow's passive counted both the positive and negative effects as a buff. By separating the two effects into a buff and a debuff, more synergy can be made between the item and cleansing items like Divine Shield.

  •  Active: Armor and Magic Resistance debuffs are now treated separately from the Attack Speed and Movement Speed buffs.
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