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SpacEscape -Chibi Edition-
A downloadable game for Windows

Worked on the game a bit today (shocker, I know). Nothing much to report, just battling with those inexplicable bugs. 

I don't know when this started, but all of a sudden when playing the undressing animation, for just a single frame at the start, it shows the wrong sprite; but here's the thing; I've already quintuple checked the animation in question and it's using the correct sprites, if I play it on the editor everything is fine, but when I test the game, nope, like magic the animation is still the same. I already followed the process chain in debug mode but there's nothing weird, just a single button press, trigger the animation, but here's the kicker, you're gonna love this: In my frustration, I just went caveman mode and moved all the sprites of the animation outside the timeline so nothing would show, just to know if I was changing anything (I told you I was frustrated caveman mode), and guess what? When I tested the game... The fucking animation was still the exact same.

So now I have 0 clue what it is this time, maybe the files are set to read only? Don't think so, otherwise I would get an error while saving, and I've made other changes lately that have worked just fine. I'm cursed, I swear to god.

This is how the animation should look:

This is me moving the sprites outside the timeline, as you see nothing plays.

And this is how it looks in-game, see that one frame where chibi is on the ground? I have no idea where that sprite is coming from.

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