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New physics for Pixel Driver 3D!

Pixel Driver 3D
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

After digging up this game, polishing some bits and making it run on Linux, Windows and macOS as a standalone executable, I decided to take on the part of the game that bothered me the most. Since 2020, there have never been any changes to the physics engine, and it was clearly visible to me that turning on a dime at 300 kph without ever having to brake defies some of the most basic principles of racing games, even arcade ones. So after releasing the game here, I decided to sit down and make some major changes:

You might have seen it in the known issues post, it was possible to drive through fences and buildings when simply reversing for the last 4 years. This is not something that should be a part of any serious racing game since it is absolutely gamebreaking. However, until now, I didn't really come up with a good fix for it that wouldn't require the entire engine to be reworked (I would end up doing this anyways, but that's besides the point lol). So what did I do?

The collision physics worked by checking if your car collided with a wall, then it would bounce your car backwards, and that would work just fine if you were crashing into the wall head on while driving forwards. However, when driving backwards, this logic would completely fall apart. Because, again, it would bounce your car backwards, giving your car even more speed into the wall instead of moving it out of it, making you able to just drive through it as if it wasn't there at all.

This is now fixed because it now checks if your speed is positive or negative (so forwards or backwards) and then pushes you in the other direction. Luckily, I was able to preserve the funny bouncy collision physics with this approach, although it had to be toned down a lot to produce stable results.

Back in 2020, I was neither a good game developer nor a good driver, so I wanted to make the physics as easy as possible. This is why almost every car could turn on a dime at top speed, you could simply release the throttle to get a similar effect to braking in normal games, while braking would instantly make you come to a stop, then yeet you back at 80 kph. And if you wanted to get up to speed, your compact car was easily capable of surpassing speeds of 200 kph in less than 3 seconds and then pretty much hitting a wall that is the top speed of the car. Not an ideal solution to say the very least, and it resulted in the game becoming boring quickly because the driving aspect was not challenging whatsoever and only provided limited amounts of fun. What made it even worse is that the cars felt a bit boaty since they were sliding without actually sliding, you had grip without actually having grip, which made driving more difficult and didn't go together very well with neither the old, nor the new collision physics.

To fix this, I made the acceleration and braking of the car much weaker while keeping the already fairly accurate topspeeds the same. Furthermore, removing this fake sliding was an absolute game changer since the collision physics work better than ever without it, and driving feels much more intuitive now. The turning was changed too, angular momentum was turned down by a lot so it should feel less unrealistic.

The Cavallino Esclusivo was my second attempt at making a supercar, and it failed horribly design-wise because the roof was way too tall. No matter what I tried, I couldn't make it look good so I settled with an absolutely atrocious model. That was in 2020, and now I have gathered much more experience in this regard, so I spend a whole 8 minutes of my time and remodeled the top half of the car. It should now look much better while retaining the oldschool style.

That's it for this update, download the game now to check out the changes, and more changes, features and content will arrive soon!


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