is community of indie game creators and players


Seventh Iteration

Gotta Golem
A downloadable game

Hello World! ┬┴┤≧▽≦)/

It'sa me Amaryillis, present and reporting for duty on all details for this Devlog! This is the final week of this project! This means both good and bad things. The good being that everything at the end of the week will be the final state of our game, we (the developers) don't have to stress about deadlines, and you (the player)  don't have to worry about anymore major changes, so all around good things. The bad of this being the last week is that we may not be able to get everything in that we hoped for, if anything breaks at the end the game is toast, and you won't be able to look forward to listening to me babble on in the Devlogs every week! (º □ º;;) So just a few bad things but I can only hope the worst will not happen and try for the best. With that in mind we just recently added one key feature to our game right now, the ability to summon golems but only on summoning circles. This is a very big step and good addition to the game, the only problem being that we didn't get the summoning circles in this build, so summoning is NOT broken you just can't do it in this build. We apologize for the inconvenience. Now that you know all the kinks and facts of our build right now lemme get into the nitty gritty details for all you lovely people!

Added Features-

  • Title screen music
  • A more simple level 1
  • Level 1 music
  • Poison functionality (Finished not implemented)
  • A place to summon golems

Upcoming Features-

  • Transition between level 1 and 2
  • Background
  • Pickup scripts functioning
  • Clay pickups
  • Inventory system
  • SFX
  • Title screen art

Known Bugs-

  • The place to summon is not in the level
  • The background "Running away" from the player
  • You cannot progress through the level

Song Reference: Hello,world! by BUMP OF CHICKEN

Thank you for reading! ┬┴┬┴┤。•́‿•̀。)ノ


  • 13 MB
    35 days ago
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