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Version 1.5.0

Bound By Fate
A browser game made in HTML5

Hey there,

version 1.5.0 is ready to be played :D

The equipment system was a bit too easy for my taste and lead to a lot of micromanagement which is quite tedious with the current UI.

For that, I opted to change the equipment management style to fire and forget.

You only get to give equipment and hope the characters are happy with it for the rest of their lives ^^

Or until they receive new equipment, then the old one gets tossed aside XD

This should make the player think less about the equipment distribution and more on the progression I hope.

The next addition was a log for everything the player experienced.

For now there are not that many log entries, but it should help the player get an overview of their past experiences.

And now for everyone curious, here is my completed checklist for v1.5.0:

There have been a few bugs that bothered me but most crucial bugs have been fixed so far (I think Oo).

Adding new elements should be done for now, I want to focus next on the balancing and long term gameplay.

Focus however is a really harsh word XD

The next update will take some time as I want to explore some side projects before returning to Bound By Fate.

Motivation is a big factor for the game development process and that is lacking quite a bit right now :(

There will be updates and I will always keep an eye out for feedback and fix bugs that you spot ;)

Until then have fun and enjoy the game!



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