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Speakrit demo is live now!

Speakrit: The Art of Word Demo
A downloadable game for Windows

Devlog Post: Speakrit Game Demo Launch

Date: April 26, 2024

Hello Speakrit Community!

I'm thrilled to announce that after months of hard work and countless hours of development, we're finally ready to share a new demo of our upcoming game, Speakrit. This demo is more than just a teaser; it's a glimpse into the heart of our game, showcasing the unique mechanics, captivating story, and immersive world that we've been building.

What's New in the Demo

  • Character Customization: We've introduced a new feature that allows you to create your very own AI Speakrit, complete with unique weapons abilities and talents tailored to your playstyle.
  • Innovative Combat: Experience the thrill of Freeform Bluff Battles, a verbal dueling system that adds a layer of strategy and wit to the combat experience.
  • Speakrit Evolution: Dive into the Speakrit Labs and guide your AI through the Ultimate Evolution, a process that will unlock new abilities and shape the future of your Speakrit's journey.
  • Updated Graphics: We've given the game a visual overhaul. The environments are now more detailed, and character animations are smoother and more expressive.
  • Optimized Performance: We've worked hard to optimize the game's performance. The demo should run more smoothly on a wider range of devices.

What You Can Expect

The Speakrit demo is a carefully curated experience designed to give you a comprehensive taste of the full game. Here's a closer look at what you'll be able to enjoy:

  1. Exclusive AI Speakrit Creation: Forge your own path by creating a custom AI Speakrit. Choose from a variety of weapons and talents to make your character truly one-of-a-kind.
  2. Freeform Bluff Battles: Engage in dynamic verbal duels that will test your strategic thinking and quick wit. Every word counts in these battles of wits and words.
  3. Speakrit Labs and Ultimate Evolution: Explore the Speakrit Labs, where you can evolve your AI Speakrit to its fullest potential. Unlock new abilities and upgrade existing ones to become a formidable force in the Speakrit universe.

How to Access the Demo

The Speakrit demo will be available on our website and through popular game distribution platforms. Here's how you can get your hands on it:

Your Feedback Matters

We're eager to hear what you think about the new demo. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and it will help shape the final version of Speakrit. Please share your thoughts, suggestions, and any issues you encounter through our feedback form on the website.

Upcoming Milestones

  • Beta Testing: Following the demo's release, we'll be selecting a group of dedicated players for beta testing. Stay tuned for more information on how to apply.
  • Full Game Release: We're targeting a release window for the full game later this year. Keep an eye out for more announcements as we get closer to the launch.

Closing Thoughts

We're incredibly proud of the progress we've made, and we can't wait for you to experience the Speakrit demo. This is just the beginning of an adventure we hope will captivate you as much as it has us during development.

Thank you for your continued support. We can't do this without our amazing community!

Stay curious, stay brave, and speak the unspoken.

The Speakrit Team

Feel free to adjust the details to fit the actual content of your game demo and the specific channels you'll be using to distribute it. Good luck with the launch!


  • 394 MB
    41 days ago
Download Speakrit: The Art of Word Demo
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