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Daily Update 4/25

Her Fall
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

I got the 3 scenes fully scripted today for all 3 routes. It took awhile but it's done. Which for those keeping track is the official script for the full next update. Without any code only dialogue it is almost 1000 lines of dialogue or if you prefer 10k words. After adding the code to that it will be around 5k lines and 100-200k words.

I also made all the characters that will be needed for Chapter 9. To those that don't know I remake the characters every Chapter to do things like change hairstyle or just to change their clothes. While doing that I also added the dynamic lighting to all the characters and Changed the shaders too. Though I am not 100% on the shaders. So I would REALLY like some feedback on what you all think. Should I keep the shaders like this or is it too much? Personally I mean I like it alot it kinda looks like a whole ass graphics update. But it also kinda feels like it falls in that uncanny valley? So I both love it and hate it. Which is why I need opinions now more than ever. I took an image for you all so you can see Ryou and Misakis new hair styles and outfit for this chapter but so you can see the shader in action and form your own opinions. Let me know what you think. Also I was streaming the game for 12-14? hours today. I will be streaming myself getting renders and animations tomorrow though it probably won't be as long, since I do have a bunch on my plate tomorrow in terms of IRL stuff. But I want to get a couple of the scenes renders. I also need to make sure I give myself time to rework all the shaders based on your all opinions.

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