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Next Chapter Coming Soon

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

My work continues to be s-l-o-o-o-o-w, but I keep making small bits of progress.  The next chapter update will be coming soon (yes, it took a long time, and no, it won't seem that way).  

A big misstep I made in the beginning was deciding to give each NPC their own story.  Not an epic or anything, but after each chapter, they will have something new to say, and many of them change and develop as events occur.  That means when I've finished with the main quest portions, I still need to go back to every NPC to update their story and dialogue.  At this point, I can just scrap it, but I'm too proud and silly to do that, and will, for the foreseeable future, continue to make this mistake.  A more important, but similar, mistake is adding scenes with the teachers for every chapter.  Go into certain rooms during what I call the 'Exploration Phase' (after classes are over) and you can find the teachers interacting with one another.  This gives them some development as characters, and allows you to see how they interact with each other.  I feel this is more necessary than updating the NPC dialogue, but for some reason put it off for last this time.  Don't know how that happened.

Next is adding the teacher scenes for this next chapter, then a small test play (test the new parts to make sure they work), then a full test play (make sure the whole game is still stable).

Game development, even with something like RPG Maker, is still very new to me, and I'm trying to get better at it.  The biggest mountain to climb right now is my own lack of confidence.  A game will come out (independent or otherwise) that does something kind of vaguely like what I'm planning, only much better, and it will be a hit to my ego.  It shouldn't be.  I'm one person with a job working on this when I can, trying to make a story heavy game.  But telling myself that rarely seems to work.

As always, any suggestions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticism will be welcome.  Hearing from people who have played the game may force me to work more quickly.

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