is community of indie game creators and players


Development Log 1

Risen from Hell
A downloadable game for Windows


This is our first ever devlog, we would have done one before releasing the game for the submission of the ScoreSpace Jam, but when doing a jam we are pressed for time so we thought it best not too and focus on the game itself. So this devlog is going to outline all we have done so far, and outline all we have got planned currently for the game. So without further a do let’s begin!

What have we done so far?

As of today (24th April 2024), we have not 100% polished the game. There are still some bugs, however what we have done is we have got a functioning main menu, and pause menu. We have a working FPSController curtesy of the person who made the hospital asset we are using (all asset credits can be found in game). A working Enemy which chases he player, and a half finished level.

What we have planned?

For the future of this game project, we plan for an entire re-modal of assets into our own creations so that we have more customisation of what the level is and the game becomes. We plan for an entire re-design of UI elements and placements as well. As for the leaderboard, we plan to add more leaderboard elements, so one leaderboard for level completion, one for coins collected, one for total levels completed. Last one might not happen but it’s an option. The leaderboards may stay as one but all scores merged into one overall score, we are still indecisive about this idea. We also plan to create a coin Collectable for added scores. And finally, we plan to create new levels and add new monsters which randomise when loading a level. 


So overall, we have a lot of ideas planned for this game. We aim to have a the game done and ready to be played by you this September. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed and stay tuned for more!

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