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My week in game dev #8

Wormhole Dungeon
A downloadable game

I realised that I needed a few, shall we say, disposable enemy in Wormhole and so set about making some. These guys will be like kill em and forget, rather than the bigger bots where you get to pull all the undamaged components out to make new bots.

So, I set one up and had the logic just zooming across a series of waypoints. I thought it was going to be cool but they looked really dull and mechanical, even with nice lerp movement. But what to do? 

Well, what I did was to set the thinger moving in a circle around its true coordinate, and then set it moving between the waypoints. The end result looks quite organic. That's what I call value for money. Or bang for buck, as some would have it.

And here he is! ☝️ I like the twitching :)

In other news, now we are allowed emulators on iOS I thought I'd give GBA Broken Sword a blast using the Delta emu app. And it works a treat. Good work from all involved. 

Another treat came in the form of the new Spectrum Next magazine from Fusion Retro. I'm a big fan of the Next and it's cool that there's a dedicated mag to complement its growing popularity.  The Next is an important machine and I'll talk about it more shortly. What's more it looks almost certain that'll I'll soon be working on an actual Next game for Fusion which I'm both excited about, - and slightly daunted at the same time. It's been a while since I last dealt with an 8 bit machine (1989?), or actual assembly language. Can I actually still do it? 

More on that soon, anyway!

Finally, I should be at Reboot in Dubrovnik, but for one reason and another, I couldn't make it this year. Here then, I shed a little tear of sadness 🥲

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