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Soon! Exciting Updates for Dr. Murph!

A downloadable game

During my hiatus from posting, I’ve been hard at work on some crucial aspects of the game. And guess what? Exciting things have unfolded! Allow me to share the latest developments with you.

  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: We’ve assembled an incredible team, and together, we’re shaping the future of Dr. Murph. Collaborating with talented individuals has been both inspiring and rewarding.
  • Version 0.4 Upgrade: Before wrapping up version 0.4, we made a bold decision—to enhance the game even further. Here’s what’s in store:
    • Captivating Introductions: We’ve added an engaging introduction segment to immerse players right from the start. Get ready for an intriguing setup!
    • Dynamic Characters: Say goodbye to static character images! Our switch to Live2D animation brings the cast to life. Their movements and expressions will enhance your gaming experience.
    • More Fun Scenes: Brace yourselves for entertaining moments! Dr. Murph’s world is about to get livelier, with scenes that’ll make you smile, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear (Or fear 😜).
  • A Note of Gratitude: To all our supporters, thank you! Your encouragement fuels our passion. We’re thrilled to have you on this journey with us.

    🌟 Remember: You’re part of the magic!

    With love, PaPalon

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