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So, I'm not dead yet and the project is still alive xD

Solipsism Reigns Otome/GxB Version
A downloadable yandere adventure for Windows and macOS

Hey there! Soooo, you may or may not have noticed that I've been silent for quite some time and also completely missed my planned release date for my main project >.< I am still here amongst the living, I've just not been doing too great in recent months and life has been hard.

For those of you who don't know, I've suffered with anxiety and depression for most of my life and I don't exactly have a huge network of people for support (though the few people I do have are beyond amazing and I love them with all of my heart :3) When things get tough I tend to just retreat into a little bubble and generally suck at life, haha. 

Around the beginning of the Christmas period, my grandma who I've been super close to all my life and had been caring for her daily for the last few years, became very ill and had to go into hospital. The following months just involved watching her suffer and slowly die in a hospital bed which was like torture, especially when she had previously discussed with me that the last place she wanted to die was in hospital :( The staff were brilliant in caring for her, but she just wound up getting worse and worse and as her health continued to decline, the doctors finally said there was little point in trying to treat her anymore as she just wasn't responding to any of it. She eventually passed away in January.

I know it's kind of selfish to be sad when she had lived a full and happy life (she had wanted to go for a long time, she'd been living without my grandad for years who passed away long before her and life was never the same for her once he was gone.) But she was always there for me from the moment I was born, I couldn't have asked for a better grandma and things just don't seem right not having her around.

Anyway, because I was her carer it also meant that not only did I lose her but I also lost my job too. At the moment I don't have an income, so along with sorting out things like my grandma's funeral, I've been struggling to stay afloat money-wise >.< Not only had I not felt like working on my projects but I haven't had the time either.

I'm going to start working on things slowly again though as I'm still determined to finish what I've started and I know my grandma wouldn't want me to give up on the stuff I'm passionate about :3 So, I've decided I'll update the devlog once a week (probably on a Friday) with whatever progress I've made (no matter how little or how boring) and I'll get things done step by step!

I hope that anyone who reads this is having an awesome week so far and that the new year is treating you well ^_^/

Download Solipsism Reigns Otome/GxB Version
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