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A browser game made in HTML5

A new shot, a new terrain, and lots of tweaks.

  • WAM charges up your feet and sends out shockwave shots when you land. This uses a lot of the same visual language as HUL and SOK, so this also lets you goomba stomp enemies.
  • Bubble tiles spawn bubbles. These die much quicker than the ones created by BUB, making for better level design. Adding these also meant an overhaul of bubbles so they behave a bit more naturally
  • Rot now ticks a little faster on basic mobs. It originally took 3 consecutive tiles of rot to kill a mob - making ROT too tedious to use.
  • The player jumps a tiny bit higher with each standard shot.
  • Level chunks run from top right to bottom left. Every 2nd chunk is flipped to create a zig-zag ladder. This restriction prevented a number of level ideas, so now chunks can also start top right and end bottom right.
  • Chunk selection has been revised. It was mostly drawing from the bottom of the deck, and performing a reshuffle after a fifth of the deck was gone. On top of this there is a ban list - chunks drawn are banned after 2 draws and only released after the ban list is a fifth of the deck size. In practice the game got harder as you played, but only because you were drawing the entire deck - meaning it kept getting harder no matter what, then suddenly easy. Reshuffles and un-bans now occur much quicker, and chunks are drawn further up the deck on higher levels. This means earlier levels stay easier, and later levels stay harder. Much harder. As more chunks are added this should smooth out to allow a decent overspill of hard levels for a new game plus.

As usual, there are more chunks and bug fixes.


  • 12 MB
    34 days ago
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