is community of indie game creators and players


Android version on the way

Rizzo's Crash Course Adventure
A downloadable game for Windows

Remember when publishing for Android was a breeze?

The alpha version of Rizzo's Crash Course Adventure will soon be ready for Android which means we'll be allowing players that want to join the test group to play the game on their Android devices! 

App Store versus Google Play - then vs now

The first time I published a game, the App Store experience was two days worth of frustration and hoops to jump through, and the Play Store was a 20-minute breeze. Well, times definitely have changed, and there are quite a number of hoops that the Google side needs you to jump through now if you want to publish, especially for new publishers.

In the first instance, we're now required to have 20 testers install the app and have it on their devices for two weeks before you're even allowed to make it available to public testers. There's a lot more scrutiny that Google puts your app under, and a lot more that you have to do to have some sort of compliance. I guess it's just the way the world has gone. There's lots of vulnerabilities and malicious actors out there these days. Not to mention a whole raft of shovel-ware and low-value apps that have flooded the app stores, so it makes sense, but boy, is ita drag!

It also takes a while now for apps to be made public, because the app stores will, I'm pretty sure, manually review every app that you try to submit, or at least there's more scrutiny that your apps are under before you can release to the public. 

So, while we wait for the approval process for testing to begin, just a little heads up to let you know that the Android version is on the way, and I'll be looking for testers to help us get through that first hurdle. Getting close up!

For any early birds out there, please join our Google Group to get on the test list:

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