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Allowing myself to be completely humiliated and sharing the source Code

Let's be honest: The source code behind this project is a mess. It grew "organically" out of doing a tutorial, changed quite haphazardly and is neither documented, basically at all, nor even are there good explanatory comments.

I am far from alone in being anxious about other people looking at my code, but it actually never hurts to have people be able to look at how you created something. Also, it provides easy access to the assets used - including, of course, the same CREDITS.TXT that comes with the compiled game.

In hindsight, there are a lot of things I would now do different - the tutorial introduced inheritance a bit too late for it to be used for everything efficiently. I only learned about how dictionaries work and how to save them into files, after I had already wrestled with how to save the high scores (smashing my head against trying to save them as a whole array without success at first). There is definitely something to glean and learn from for people that are interested, if people end up having a look at this game.

So, I submit myself to the judgement of better programmers than myself with this. If there is anything inside the source code you can use - go ahead, but remember to attribute assets used within properly.


  • 246 MB
    57 days ago
Download Blaster Chief in: Base Infiltration on Tutorial Prime
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