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Progress Report 4/17/24

Siren Song
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey Everyone!

It is done.

Chapter 4 of New Year's Day(e) is done (at least 99.9% of it). And now that it has been completed, my gaze, like that of Sauron's Eye, sweeps back to land upon Siren Song.

I am unbelievably excited to return to these characters and their story.  Don't get me wrong, I love Eve and Daye and the rest of the gang, but the characters in Siren Song are special to me in a different way.   I can't wait to see what happens next.

As I may have said before, Chapter 2 of Siren Song will start on the morning of Charlotte's birthday. They will need to get to the next town and run a couple of errands. Of course, Charlie wants as much beach time as she can get before they play their second show with Meegan and Tara. Plus, it's her birthday, so I'm sure there will be presents, and celebrations all around. What kinds of celebrations? Who knows? 

Unlike Christmas Eve and New Year's Day(e), Siren Song doesn't follow the "Each Day is a Chapter" format. So, we will also see what happens in the days to come after Charlie's birthday. Every new town they travel to will have it's own people to meet and challenges to overcome. Friends will be made as well as enemies (The "shady club owner" stereotype is a stereotype for a reason). It won't always be easy for our characters, but adversity brings closeness. My goal is that no matter what happens in this story, it will always be an adventure worth reading about.

So, I'm mentally filling up my gas tank, buckling my seatbelt, and putting Siren Song back in gear. 

Let's go!

~ Jonesy

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