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Bugs Fixed for Release 6b So far

Tracking bugs for the 6b beta release:
- Fixed a frustrating bug that caused bonus portraits in the postgame to turn into other objects when examined.
- Fixed a bug in the "Parchment, Please" minigame that prevented the screen from fading back in after the 100-examination bonus was received.
- A mirror has been added to your home in the postgame.
- The indecency Watchdog has been updated to your home in the postgame so that you no longer have to wear clothes there.
- Fixed a bug in the hidden society in the postgame that prevented some citizens from guarding the doorways they're supposed to. (Thank you to 89 for the find)
- Fixed a minor text bug in the hidden society in the postgame.
- Fixed a bug where Bonus Portrait 7 wouldn't display in your Portrait Collection even after being located.
- Added descriptions to the traveler beds in the postgame Inn. You can now bully the narrator while you sniff.
- Fixed the dialogue labels for the Love Platform in the Hex Queen's fight.
- The text descriptions for the Lustful Gems have been updated to reflect what they do.
- The Yellow Lustful Gem now boosts the power of Strong Disposition.
- It is now possible to re-discover the Pink Lustful Gem in the postgame. This helps unlock additional lore as well as improve relationships you hadn't wrapped up.
- Fixed a text bug with the bed in your starting house.
- The Adventure Armor no longer has better stats than the Adventure Dress. This was a remnant of an old version of the game.
- Fixed missing text for the windows in the traveler rooms in the postgame inn.
- You can now fish at the hidden society in the postgame. This does not require interacting with anyone unless you need a fishing rod, and if preferred, you can return to the High Academy Village to buy one.
- Fixed a bug that caused Flash Panties to still work on enemies that should be negating it in some instances.
- The Healer art (both in general and for strip-em-up) has been added to the spell tutorial date in Groggy Woods.
- The Healer in Groggy Woods has been rebalanced to have more HP but a more easily accessible MP sigil. This helps with not having to try and read the tutorial during strip-em-up art flashes.
- Fixed a cosmetic bug with "Become Feminine" in Shardrest.
- Healer art has been added for when speaking to the Healers at Sunvolley Port, HA Village Inn, the Entry Hall of the High Academy, the Forsaken Gardens Commonwealth, and A2 of the Forsaken Gardens.
- A minor text bug was fixed in the Royal Prison.
- Fixed a ton of missing dialogue labels in the Royal Prison.
- Fixed a text bug in the Sunvolley Market.
- Fixed an audio bug with an interaction with Cainid in the Academy Entry Hall.
- Ellavia's 1F stairs no longer transport you through a chair to get to 2F.
- Fixed a minor text bug with Ellavia's bed.
- Fixed a text bug with the bed in your starting house if you visit it later via the Warp Hall.
- Fixed a bug with the fishing spots in Dawn Village if used later via the Warp Hall.
- Changed the Hex Flames in the Student Employment job "Clear the Mines" to be like regular Hex Flames that you can stand still through rather than unavoidable "Same as Characters" depth Hex Flames.
- Fixed a bug that would turn the Portait Collection into a table under the right circumstances.
- Fixed a collision bug that made it possible for you to get unfairly swarmed by undead in the Hall of Passions.
- As a balancing decision, Iris, the Guardian in Exam 2, has had the number of Protection Flames in her date reduced by 2, in order to make the Love Platform more reasonable to access. Counteracting this, Iris now has 70 HP instead of 60.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Gather the Toys quest from being marked off as complete after completing the Shop Assistant job at Student Employment.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the setting for Date vs Seduce to be inherited at Sunvolley Port during the Hex Guild attack rather than letting players select. Now, players "make a gameplan" for that section of the game and decide whether to Date or Seduce the entire horde of Hex Witches.
- Fixed some missing dialogue labels in the Sunvolley Port Hex Guild attack section of the game.
- Added a Healer to each floor of the High Academy, as well as the Warp Hall. If this feels overt, please report it.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Loving Voice healing runes in a certain late game fight to not actually heal you.
- Fixed a text bug in the double-date at the Hex Guild attack on Sunvolley Port.
- Fixed a delay issue on several moves such as Hug, Cheek Kiss, Sing, etc.
- To avoid bugs and inconsistencies, Fiera has been changed to only appear if playing as feminine.
- Fixed a game-breaking bug that would still trigger Pogo's Quest from inside the postgame, sending you back very far chronologically. This only occurs if Pogo's Quest was NOT completed during the main game.

Download The Andere Realm: A Flicker of Lust
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