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Working on improvements

Blokz RAVE
A downloadable game for macOS

Hi everyone and thank you again for playing Blokz RAVE, and thanks to everyone who reported bugs and suggested improvements. I got some great feedback from the communities of TinkerDifferent (check out their Discord!), 68kmla, macos9lives and the Facebook group Vintage Apple Macintosh Enthusiasts. The past weeks have been pretty intense with private life stuff (wedding planning, parenting, work) but I try to find some time in the evenings and weekends to hack away at the game. I am currently working on, or at least experimenting with a potential rendering optimization that hopefully makes all of the rendering a bit faster, but I can’t know for sure until I have completed the redesign and measured the impact on frametimes. Let me know if you want to have more detailed information about how the rendering engine works, and how I go about measuring performance. If there is enough interest I will write a long-form tech post here on itch. 

Current bugs on the to-squash-list:

  • 2x2 tetromino should not rotate
  • Key-repeat is unintuitive, should act like OS key-repeat
  • Color bug in Millions of colors mode on some setups, for example Sheepshaver
  • Mysterious crash on some machines

If you find more bugs, go ahead and leave a comment.

In other news, I bought a Pismo on auction (or possibly a Lombard?) that will help me be more productive. The iBook I am currently using for development is quite limiting with its slow CPU and low resolution. I will still keep the iBook as the target device for this game though, so don’t worry if your computer is slower than a Pismo - it’s just to make it easier to write code.

Stay tuned for the next patch!

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