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Asteroid Belt
A browser game made in HTML5

Here are some new updates and patches- going for a much more formal aesthetic here.


Added local network high-score storage

Added the ability for the asteroids to push the player

Added a player trail

Added an accessibility hotkey where you can press Enter to start the game

Redid the UI buttons (again)

Added an effect to collecting a 200-coin

Added a feature to let the music fade out on death

Redid the Score code

Added a dev built-in reset game feature

Added an impact animation


Fixed asteroid texture

Fixed a bug where the score would load over itself exponentially

Fixed a bug where the title screen would load over the options menu

Fixed a bug where the asteroids would load over the UI and Score 

Fixed a bug where the music would load where it wasn't supposed to

Fixed a bug where powerups would spawn on the title screen

Fixed a bug where you could start the game from the options menu

Fixed a bug where the score would just peace out.


  • Asteroid Belt 7 MB
    48 days ago
  • Asteroid Belt V1.3.1.html 10 MB
    48 days ago
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