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Bugs Fixed for Release 5b So far

Using this post to track bugs fixed for beta release 5b:
- Fixed a minor bug where Cainid greeting you in Exam 4 caused you to look left, not down at him.
- Fixed a potentially game-breaking bug in Setor's quest that would cause Romagic negation to remain in effect even after completing the quest.
- Fixed a bug where losing the Cat Race in Exam 4 caused players to get stuck. (Thank you to 89 for the find)
- Fixed a bug that caused Limina's victory art to get stuck on screen. On 4b and earlier, using your Portrait Collection can remove the image from the screen. (Thank you to 89 for the find and workaround)
--All of the bugs above this line are also covered in emergency patch ARAFL_4be1 which was just released for any players dealing with the game-breaking bugs.--
- Fixed a bug that caused defeating the secret boss to take you to the wrong point in the game chronologically. This only impacts the postgame. A long but effective workaround would be to re-enter the Academy and re-graduate, but you would have to redo the ensuing plot. The fix for this will be out soon, however, in 5b. (Thank you to 89 for the find and workaround)
- The NSFW merchant in the Forsaken Gardens Commonwealth no longer sells panties. This was making it too easy to grind money with the sailor near him that will buy the ones you're wearing.
- The panty-buying sailor from the previous bugfix will now only buy them off you if the Watchdog is on, to keep from just spamming sales and making near-infinite Cr. Even with these new limitations, you can make thousands of Cr. in under 15 minutes, so I felt this was an important balancing change. (If you're curious, yes, you can go buy Tattered Panties for 3Cr. and then run back to the Commonwealth and sell them for 500Cr.)
- Fixed a bug regarding the preferences of Hex Witches. The only moves they should be disinterested in are Playful ones.
- Fixed a bug regarding Limina's preferences. The only moves she should be disinterested in are Lewd ones.
- Updated the Seminal Falls Dragon's preferences in Exam 1 to make him disinterested in Romantic moves.
- Fixed an issue where several dates didn't have their preferences set that impacted Flash Panties. This would mean these dates would react in the same way as whoever you dated previously.
- Being in possession of the Green Lustful Gem now upgrades how much damage Flash Panties does.
- Being in possession of the Blue Lustful Gem now upgrades how much damage Active Listening does.
- Being in possession of the Red Lustful Gem now upgrades how much HP is recovered by Apologize.
- Fixed a bug where the Cutie Undies weren't helping to improve your relationship with Ellavia at The Retreat.
- It is now possible to tell if the Cutie Undies apply a boost to a relationship. A message will appear saying so.
- Being in possession of the Pink Lustful Gem now provides a boost to SOME relationship improvements, not all.
- The trapped chest fix was applied on 1F of Ghastmaiden.
- Fixed a bug on 2F of Ghastmaiden that prevented a Hex Witch from having the Seduce option.
- Fixed a bug on 4F of Ghastmaiden that would cause a Hex Witch to remain even after being defeated.
- The trapped chest fix was applied on 4F of Ghastmaiden.
- The trapped chest fix was applied on 5F of Ghastmaiden.
- Fixed a bug during Graduation that would cause Professor Marrs to nearly fall to their death.
- Fixed a bug in the quest system that would cause The Silver Gem to not be removed from your quests, even after completion of Exam 6. You now also receive a specific quest to go to the rooftop and graduate.
- The trapped chest fix was applied in the Crystal Lair.
- Fixed a bug that would allow you to get two copies of the Hex Queen's Thong.
- Fixed a bug that would cause issues if you saved right after the battle against the Hex Queen.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Hex Queen to be present in the postgame regardless of whether or not you spare her.
- Fixed a bug that made your own bed in the postgame unusable.
- Fixed a bug in the ending scene in Myrvane's office that could break the scene's execution.
- Your HP/MP now heal between the end credits and the postgame.
- Fixed a bug where if playing with the masc body, using Flash Panties would still show the fem art.
- Fixed a bug that would cause your class in the postgame to still show as Mage Student rather than Guardian Paramount.
- Fixed a bug that would cause losing to the secret postgame boss to take you to a section of the game that was unfinished and is not usable.

A quick explanation of the "Watchdog"
This code makes sure you can't just spam relationship improvements, dictates when you can give gifts, controls how fast your crops grow and how soon your animals are ready to produce, and a few other things. It is set to a 2-minute interval. If you do something that disables the Watchdog, 2 minutes will pass, and then it will reactivate. Other things also reactivate the Watchdog, such as traveling far enough from your objective, but as a rule, you will be able to do anything controlled by the Watchdog every 2 in-game minutes.

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