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ASE v0.08a

At Skies' Edge
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello everyone.

It's been almost three months since the last update! If you've read the last development update, you'll know that I've been overseas, then came back to work, study and the band as normal - all of which were backlogged thanks to the trip. Unfortunately, I think the total amount of time I've put into working on ASE has been only 3 or 4 weeks. I sincerely apologise for the wait on this patch. To help avoid the radio silence, I'm going to reactivate my X/Twitter account, which you can follow by using the link.

Thankfully, outside of my lack of time, development is progressing well. In fact, I think I've only got one (visual) problem left to fix before I can add in a floating point offset solution to the game. I've been whining about this particular problem since last year, so fingers crossed I can fix it next patch! ASE 0.08a introduces some of the last few gameplay features I've been planning to add, and I think the game's in a better spot than ever before.

Bug Fixes

  • Audio sliders should now save correctly when you exit the Options Menu
  • Voice warnings should not repeatedly trigger when approaching mission boundaries (in fact, I removed them altogether)
  • Loading a mission with an air-to-air or air-to-ground only missile should correctly mark untargetable enemies with the X target UI.

Known Bugs

  • Enemy planes jitter/stop briefly on being hit with gun fire
  • Missiles launched at high speeds may have weird looking, very sparsely placed trail particles
  • No collision for the terrain in Operation Starhound
  • Voices  get stuck upon pausing/unpausing game, or get cut out shortly before finishing.
  • Enemy aircraft don't avoid a certain obstacle correctly in Operation Starhound
  • Color on HDR monitors gets blown out. Turn off HDR if this occurs.

New Content and Other Changes

  • Turret targeting system
    Previously, AA guns needed to be positioned the right way up in order to correctly track their targets. This system was rewritten so that 'turrets' can be placed sideways or upside-down and fire in a cone 'above' them depending on their local orientation.

  • New flare effects
    Migrated flares to the VFX Graph.

  • Submunition system
    Weapons may deploy other weapons, either on detonation, timer or proximity to a target.

  • New AI mission: Form on Player
    The AI will fly in a set formation around the player. To demonstrate this, I added Polaris Team to Operation Magnum Major, but they just kind of follow you around at the moment, not shooting at things. You can think of them as a cute pet. This feature will receive further work in a later patch.

  • Optimisation!
    I figured out how to use Unity's frame profiler yesterday and quickly identified some quick wins that should hopefully improve performance for people with weaker rigs.

  • Added a hangar to the Hangar scene
    Will appreciate in value so we can make a profit once we sell the land.

  • Increased enemy tank numbers in Operation Desert Fury
    So that there's a bit of challenge involved.
  • New Mission: Operation Starhound

What's Next?
Operation Starhound proved that complex scenarios involving several moving parts and trackers can now be constructed within ASE's mission framework. This is pretty close to an MVP by my standards. The last mission-critical thing I need to do now is investigate a way to efficiently render thousands/millions of trees over terrain in a performant way, and of course clean up the last visual bug with floating point. 

With work on features likely to soon come to a close, there will be a focus on general code clean-up, bug fixing and optimisation. As you know, I'm not a programmer by trade, and these last few updates have really been pushing me in terms of experimentation and learning - on top of reactivating some of lunetis's old code which I might have built alternative arrangements for earlier. This means that ASE is a bit messy code and bug-wise at the moment, so I'd like to spend some time just cleaning things up.

It's also about time for me to address the elephant in the room - there has been a lot of questions about story and setting and while I tried not to think about the story before I knew what the game was going to be capable of, I think development has progressed to a state where I can start having a think about this stuff. It's no fun if I just straight up come out with what I've been thinking of, so instead, I created some magazine excerpts below (open in new tab to view). 

Please note: There isn't a formal link to the missions contained within the game to this lore material. Or there is. It's up to you!

I'm also very very very bad at names, so you can expect some of the terminology and nation names in this stuff to change as I think of better ones.

Hopefully, this answers some of your questions, and raises some others. 

That brings us to the end of this very lengthy update devlog. Thank you for your constant support via all the channels I get contacted on. I hope I can continue to work on ASE to the very best of my abilities.

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