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April Update + New Illustrations

A downloadable game

Hey all! It's been one month since I announced my third game, REPEAT IT BACK TO ME (you can view the announcement here), and since then I've been mostly offline working on finishing this game, so I figured now would be a good time for an update.

What I've Been Up To

Since the script for REPEAT IT BACK TO ME is basically done, barring some edits, most of my time is spent working on new assets for the game. At the time of writing, I've finished about ~16 background illustrations and a few character-related sprites. Many of these backgrounds are significantly more involved than the illustrations I've done for my previous games, so they've taken me longer to make. While I don't want to show off too many illustrations before release, here are 2 new illustrations from the first ~15 minutes:

Plans for Next Month

In a month from now I'm hoping to have a fully playable version of the game ready where everything runs as intended and all of the key illustrations have been completed. As a part of this, I will be overhauling some UI elements, finishing a handful more background illustrations, and doing a few more sprites.

The 6 month anniversary of my first game, SALTWATER, is also coming up in about 2 weeks from now! Expect me to make some posts about it. I may release a more technical postmortem for the game going into some more of the details about what the writing/illustration process looked like (if you'd like to read a reflection about some of my feelings shortly after release, you can check out the zine bundled with Indiepocalypse Issue #49.)

Original Soundtrack Announcement

Over the past month, I teased on social media that in addition to writing/illustrating REPEAT IT BACK TO ME that I will also be composing the music for the game! You can listen to a short teaser here. I'm brand new to this, but it's been fun! Expect to see another soundtrack teaser in the next month.

Thoughts On Release and Marketing

If all goes well, I'm hoping to release REPEAT IT BACK TO ME sometime this summer. A web version and a downloadable version should both be available at launch. I'm hoping to produce release trailer, similar to what I did for GUARDIAN ANGEL, a week or two ahead of release. Beyond that though I'm still figuring out how to market REPEAT IT BACK TO ME (and my other games...) without giving too much away or misrepresenting the content of the game. If you happen to have any suggestions, please send them my way! Otherwise, thank you to everyone who's added one of my games to a collection, left a review, or shared my game with someone who might be interested.

Thanks for reading,

- Sky

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