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A lot happened in the background!

Humanolve: A Human Evolution Card Saga
A downloadable game for Windows

This week, while there were no major game updates that warrant a new build, it wasn't without its fair share of surprises behind the scenes. Let's take a closer look at the unexpected events that unfolded during this time.

  1. Marketing: I dedicated time to learn and build a community around my project, despite being a novice in marketing. It's a crucial step, even in the pre-alpha stage, but one that requires both time and effort to master.
  2. Minor Issues on Itch Page: An unforeseen hiccup arose when my users reported that my game page on Itch was flagged for review. This unexpected setback drew users away, which was disheartening after working hard to gather their interest. Resolving this issue became my number one priority, and involved multiple follow-ups across communication channels and diverted attention and mental energy away from my core development tasks.
  3. Steam Onboarding: Finally, I decided to proactively begin the onboarding process for Steam to avoid similar issues encountered on Itch. While the process itself was smooth, navigating through the agreements and legal jargon consumed more time than anticipated. As a developer, and not a lawyer, it required extra attention to ensure things were in order.

Reflecting on the whirlwind of events this week, it's clear that successful game development involves more than just coding and feature updates. Well, like most Devs, I knew that challenges would hit me during my journey, but I certainly wasn't anticipating them at the very start of the process! These unexpected challenges on the marketing front and with platform requirements highlight the importance of adaptability and resilience in this journey. Each hurdle presents an opportunity to learn and grow, ultimately shaping the final version of the project.

If you enjoy what I do, consider following me on to receive updates on my project as soon as they're available. And if you'd like to connect and chat, feel free to join my Discord server!

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