is community of indie game creators and players


User Testing

Tellus Prologue
A downloadable game

This post is specifically made for the college I am currently in and its lecturers.
If you are one off the 10 people who accidentally found this, go to my profile and play some web-games instead.

There WILL be spoilers about the game in the next section.
You have been warned.

We condudcted playtesting and user-feedback with (at the point of writing this) 6 individuals. Playtetsing was conducted remotely. Players streamed themselves playing the game, so we could watch their reactions and thoughts,

We would be completely silent during these playtests so as to not influence the players perception of the game. Players were within the age range of 21-30, with most players averaging around 24. Some playtesters were friends, but most were aquaintances and colleagues.

Not all playtesters filled out our feedback form unfortunately... because we forgot to hand it to them after the actual playtest and instead sent it to them days later when we remembered we had a form.

The overall reaction was positive. People loved the art-style and the visuals. People in equal amounts loved and hated Tellus. Some players even went so far as to go from loving Tellus to hating her within the span of seconds while playing the game.

Players, disliked the text continuing automatically & felt like overall their decisions did not make a large impact. They also desired a Start and End Screen.

Download Tellus Prologue
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