is community of indie game creators and players


Update + Q&A!

Palins Fate
A downloadable game

Hi everyone!

Here is a little update and some Q&A for you!

When is the games first demo available?

Good question! I was shooting for this spring but I might have to push back just a bit. My current goal is sometime in June/July!

What platforms will the game be published to?

The game will definitely be coming to itchio and Steam. I haven't thought about other platforms but I'm not totally ruling that out:)

When will the Kickstarter run?

Current goal is end of summer. My birthday is in September so maybe then? :)

What is the highlight of the game and what makes it unique?

The biggest highlight will be that the player character changes appearance depending on what armor and weapon you carry. I'm thinking to do outfits like ghost rider or maybe you can be a lizard king. The game also contains lots of magic which I will get to eventually! :)

The game will be similar to Secret of Evermore/Secret of Mana but with a few WOW elements in it. 

Will there be a discord for the game?

I might do one yes once the games demo is out!

Where can I follow the game?

I'm pretty much anywhere on social media and also YouTube and TikTok:)

Here are some links:





I will continue posting updates. Please let me know if you have any more questions! Kofi members get early access to anything new plus early versions of the demo. Your support helps me to make this project possible.

Thank you so much!

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