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Board Updates! (Part 6 - GUI!)

Board of the Kings: A Chess RPG
A browser game made in HTML5

Kings and Kingettes,

Further developments! We’ve been diligent at work, preparing to show our next demo at the Capital Creative Showcase on April 20th!

Each week, we’ll be posting updates of what we’re working on. Some will be available to play, while some features are just too early to show. We’re happy to discuss anyways because we want feedback. We’ll continue to do this until the day of the show, so consider subscribing on itch or… anywhere! 

This week, let’s talk about…

The improved GUI!

Yes! We listened to your feedback!

In so many ways!

We’ve finally slain the dreaded “End Turn” button.

What was sometimes a staple in RPGs and strategy games felt too clunky and difficult to adapt into a Chess-like.

Originally we added the step in anticipation of more complex multi-move options, or for optional abilities. However, from so many playtests and feedback from players, we’ve found that those complex ideas did not outweigh the unintuitive nature of clicking a button to confirm your move.

Chess just HAS that inherent expectation of moving your piece meaning the end of your turn. We’re seeking to make a game that feels like Chess, despite constantly breaking and upgrading the rules.

Goodnight sweet prince. You’ve ended your final turn.

Also, we hid our second board away. It made more sense when our board was completely 3D, but the 2.5D layout we currently have has an appeal of its own that we want to use instead.

It may come back in other places as needed, but we haven’t quite found a case for our 3D to justify any flat 2D.

Goodnight sweet board. Seconded only by your dimensions.

However, it’s not all cuts. We also added other elements, like better visibility and iconography for our moves. Now special abilities show on the board, like everything else!

So many circles!

We also added a little graveyard per battle to show how your battle is progressing.

Goodnight sweet prince. Er… princes. And a queen? Oh dear…

Finally, for comparison, how about a before and after?

Wow! This tournament went so long that we had to completely revamp our UI between turns!

How does it look? We'd love to hear your feedback!

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