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Part 2 the start update


So this is the official release, reason why I'm not uploading the full Part 2 is because is not yet finished and by making the Mukuro scenario I realized that if I want to fully make the animations myself with no base and make them feel unique and smooth then it will take more time to finish updates so this is like a way to show you how the upcoming content will feel and look, I'm not exagerating but even a second of animation takes me an hour so yeah the rest of scenarios will take a while specially since I'm planning on doing Yoshino and Natsumi as a single one so animating three people will take tons of time, also i need to make the whole map for Kurumi, anyway I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Important notes: The reason why it feels not much new content even last updates was 4 months ago is because end of year for me in my IRL job is ruthless so couldn't do much but learn new codes and ways to animate better. 

New decision mechanic
New open-area mechanic (just Mukuro for now)
Post-progressive effects tweaked
Characters tweaked
New animations teased
Ability to change angles in Hscenes added
Original plot added to side-story (this is a tease of the idea I have for main game)
Tons of dialogues fixed and tweaked
Mobile users now have an option to Hide dialogue box (don't ask why it wasn't there because I don't know myself)
New insomia ability unlocked (only applies to dev)


  • DaL: Shattered Memories Part 2 the start.apk 1 GB
    65 days ago
  • DaL: Shattered Memories Part 2 the 1 GB
    65 days ago
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