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Devlog #6

Wormhole Dungeon
A downloadable game

It's been a weird week of house moving and all that that entails. The final outcome of which is that I have a much bigger office space now and that means I am  reunited with more of my collection of junk retro gear. The place is still stacked with boxes but I have found enough to get set up and work again. As of yesterday we also have proper internet again (thanks Zen/CityFibre) but a week on 5G (thanks, Three) was actually surprisingly workable.

Amidst the packaging process I found a bunch of 1990s Revolution photos that I'd forgotten existed and which didn't appear in RevBook. There's a few good ones of the late Dave Cummins who can take much credit for setting the narrative tone of Lure, BASS and Broken Sword. Like myself, he was not one for being photographed, so these are a nice thing to have. 

I have managed a bit of work on Wormhole Dungeon, but not a lot. I realised the Chloe bot logic needed a stronger system for determining if two game entities (like, Player and Chloe) can actually see each other. I had a few days to consider this problem and then sat down and coded a decent solution.

Of course, once working I can see a ton of of use-cases because this is super useful functionality to have. The first thing I did was to change the proximity based room lights (energy saving is a thing on rogue space stations!) so they also need line of sight on the player. There’s a bunch of other good uses for this within enemy logic and whatnot, so it was worth the deliberation.

This is how it works in game dev — you make some useful feature or functionality and suddenly you get a bunch of new ideas cascading out from it. And that’s another reason games are hard to schedule.

Next job - use this new code to improve friend bot logic, and that leads... to the trailer :)

Here's one of those pics -

Dave Sykes and Charles Cecil, Lure. Warehouse 13, Hull marina ~1992.

I was going to scan more but can't find the box with the photos in ;o Maybe next week :) So here's a relocation pic instead -

Also, I did a podcast with James last week. Always fun -


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