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Demo Out Now!

Silver Shields Demo
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

The demo is out now!!

I’ve been working on this project since late January and I’m excited to release it for the Amare Game Festival. Also in exciting news—the Amare tag here on is an official!

This game has gone through a lot of different versions and iterations, with different settings, casts, and themes. I finally settled on something chiller and slice-of-life, as it’s supposed to reflect all of the downtime an Adventuring Party might experience rather than the grand quests and adventures.


What’s the plan going forward for future updates?


Because of the fluid nature of slice-of-life narrative, there won’t be an overarching plot, other than the character arcs and relationship building between the characters. The story is much more a collection of scenes about day-to-day life around camp, and travelling together between missions. This makes it easier for me to create as I go—something I’ve never done before with a game. That isn’t to say there isn’t a plan—there’s a lot of work I’ve done behind the scenes to give me a launching board to develop the romances and relationships of the characters and planning future moments and scenes and how they will develop and change over the course of the story.

I want to release in chapters or an “episodic” format. I think it’ll be the best way for me as a creator to work because having long periods of time where I’m just working on a project and the end date seems a million years away has not been good for me! But in the same breath, this is a project I intend on chipping away at in the background for fun, instead of intense, active production. I want to invite you along this journey with me!

Truthfully, I came out of one of the worst episodes of burnout I’ve ever had in my life. I genuinely thought I had lost the ability to create anything and was not in a good place. This style of game, with a demo release, relaxed work pace, and the chapter update format, are in response to that to do things that will help me as a creator to try and never get back to that point.

I do plan on trying to release semi-regular devlog updates, I hope for once a month but I can’t say that there will be new stuff to update you on each month.


I hope you enjoy the demo and this new little cast of characters, and are excited for more to come! Thank you much for reading, and playing if you have. If not—go try it out!

Have a lovely spring and take care of yourselves!!



  • 284 MB
    58 days ago
  • 289 MB
    58 days ago
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