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Tears In Rain Status Report #1

Tears In Rain
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hey there, I hope everyone's doing fine.

I'll kick things off with positive news, In my previous reports on Patreon, I mentioned searching for someone to help me in the writing and story department.

I welcome Arisushi to Ethereal Studios, an experienced visual novel writer who has written One Night Stand, The Best Days of Our Lives, and Zia. I'm glad to have someone with writing experience on board. His skill set will strengthen the writing of Tears In Rain.

In terms of progress, Chapter 1 is still in the planning phase. Now we have Ari on board. So we will brainstorm things together, keep the important stuff, add interesting things, and cut the rest out across the board.

I have updated the game's UI as well. Now it's more clean, and I've added a Scenes Gallery and Music Room. The gallery is empty as of now and will get filled in later updates as we start getting juicy stuff. I'm planning to add a photo gallery in the future as well. 

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