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The Future of Beyond The Mist: Beginnings

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, Beyond The Mist: Beginnings did not meet its Kickstarter funding goal. I want to offer a big, heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who pledged and cheered the game on. Your support means the world to me!

So, where do we stand now? The game cannot be turned into a visual novel without funding, thus that format is now out of the picture. That does not mean, however, that this is the end of the story!

This story is dear to me, and I will tell it no matter what. What this means is that I will release the game in a purely interactive fiction format.

No images besides a static background and the cover art, but the structure of the writing will remain the same, with all the choices and branching I've already showcased!

There are benefits to this approach: since I won't have to implement art, the game will be completed much faster! I also won't have to work around art limitations and compromise the storytelling to fit budgets and the like.

I will continue to update everyone on the progress I make both on my as well as my Tumblr account, so be sure to subscribe to either of these to continue following the development!

I will also be providing early viewing access of the BtM alpha build every month for my Ko-Fi and Patreon patrons.

So the development of this project remains very much alive! Thank you again to everyone who pledged, and I hope to have the full game ready for you all soon!




Download Beyond The Mist: Beginnings (Demo)
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