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Update Version 1.0: Full Game Release

Juniper's Garden
A browser game made in HTML5

Been a while huh?

Let's cut to the chase, you read the title. The full release of the game is out after just under 3 full years, available now on steam,, and at your local retailers. It's been a good run, and a fantastic journey. Thank you all! Here's the trailer for those interested: 




Okay you probably looked at the date on this post... April fools!

We're nowhere close to a full release yet, sorry! So, about that summer update part 2... I only lied a little bit, it'll still be coming out, just this summer instead of last year... Long story short, life got in the way for a while, so to compensate, you guys are getting a big one!

Skins, boss fights, secrets, and possible (don't hold me to this one) teasers for the actual full release of the game and it's additional modes, as well as quite a bit more! I'm only one person working on this game, and I barely know how to code or anything, so I'm doing my best when it comes to timeliness of these updates. Luckily, I should actually be able to work on the game more in the near future. Don't expect super consistent updates or anything just yet, since I don't have an actual release schedule.

All that being said, I have other projects in the works, such as a few updates and a sequel to Hell of a Farm and, as shown by the trailer, Juniper will be coming to the Rivals of Aether workshop! There's also a massive project coming up for all our TTRPG fans, but don't expect that one anytime soon. I can assure you though, it's a really, really big one. More details will be provided on that at a later date, but what I will say for now is that it's something that's been in the works for around 6 years now (hey, that's twice as long as Juniper's Garden!) so you know I've been cooking with that one!

From the bottom of my heart: a massive thanks to anyone who's taken the time out of their day to play or support these stupid little passion projects of mine. I means the world to me.

That's all for now, and thanks for letting me cook!
- Rye

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