Bug Reports/Known Issues
Posted April 01, 2024 by doodlemancy
#known issues #bug reports
THANK YOU to everyone who has played the game and reported bugs! Here are some bugs I need to fix for the next release, feel free to report more in the comments!
It seems like sometimes the game gives you 2x as much gold as it's supposed to at the end of a sales day, which is nice but not supposed to be happening LMAOAchievements are not sticking correctly! So sorry about this! Those sneaky little variables clearly aren't persistent enough.The 10k achievement is basically impossible due to some balance changes I made last-minute before release and did not consider the implications of. OOPS. SORRY. I'M AN ARTIST, NOT A MATHEMATICIAN.
Update 4/1/2024: These bugs should all be squashed! (SHOULD.)
In case you got screwed on achievements, here's the silly little secret you're supposed to be able to unlock (highlight to read, SPOILERS FOR B AND C ENDINGS):