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Orphan Dev Log 1; Expectations

A browser game made in HTML5

Hey, I'm Truth Serum. Welcome to Orphan.

I've always had an intense love for CYOAs and interactive-novels. Dark fantasy, grimdark and pulp fiction from the likes of Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith and so on have always had a place in my heart as well. Thus, Orphan was born, a bastard child of my two loves.

The world of Orphan, and the city-state of Cradle, have been a WIP (work in-progress) in my head for several years now. This novel is the product of my decision to finally start writing, refine the process and churn out quality content.

I've read a ton of novels/games produced with Twine, as well as dozens of visual novels made in Ren'py. I've worked on several projects as a proofreader, script writer and scene director. But Orphan is mine and I want to do everything in my power to make it good.

You can't please everyone, but I'm damn sure going to try my best.

So what's the path forward look like, Truth Serum?

Let me lay it out for you:

At the moment, I plan on putting out a chapter (roughly 25k-30k words) every month. Given the length of CYOA novels that I've played in the past, I foresee Orphan being in the range of 150k-300k words on the lower end. Based on the amount of support and traction that I receive, it could end up being much, much longer. My head is full of ideas for this world and I'm more than ready to spend several years writing and bringing them all to fruition with the support of a dedicated community.

It goes without saying, but the more support that I receive, the more time can be put into working on Orphan full-time. For now, as a full-time student, it's something that I put a couple of hours into everyday and then focus on during the weekends.

I'd like to put out weekly progress reports (dev logs?), polls, and then perhaps Q&As on a bi-weekly basis. Discord will be the easiest way to reach me and I'm really looking forward to cultivating a community on there of like-minded horny bastards. We could turn this into something really special. I'm excited, and I hope you are too.

Thanks for reading and hopefully you decide to join me for the journey. Future dev logs will be reserved for the eyes and ears of my patrons and supporters, but I wanted my initial expectations to be publicly available for all to see. Now... onward!

Truth Serum, 3/29/24


  • Orphan Chapter 1.html 750 kB
    68 days ago
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