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A little bit of noise helps!

Adventures in Lestoria Demo
A browser game made in HTML5

So after receiving feedback about Adventures in Lestoria, I've already started work on plenty of tweaks, quality of life changes, and fixes!

One thing that came up a few times was how plain the terrain and ground looked. A lot of players like to mention Realm of the Mad God when talking about our game as they hit similar vibes and they have a great example of how to make terrain feel less plain.

A screenshot from Realm of the Mad God

Upon observation, we can see the terrain has slight variations throughout its tiles without needing to look or be fancy. I immediately turn to messing with noise generation functions and tweaked it until it felt about right, I think we got a decent similar result going, tuned to the environment pixel sizes we have chosen. Check it out!

Really brings that terrain to life! It seemed a little strange at first as I was so used to the flat color for so long, but it quickly grew on me and I ended up enjoying it a lot!

You can also see a sample of the damage vignette we added recently.

We have a lot more quality-of-life coming in the next few days, and a couple bugfixes (a memory leak?!). Stay tuned!


  • 55 MB
    74 days ago
  • Adventures in 57 MB
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  • Adventures in 58 MB
    74 days ago
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