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My first little Godot and GDscript project release! (which was a ton of fun to make!)

Sundown Flyby
A browser game made in HTML5

So I released Sundown Flyby earlier today. I have tried to use Godot at many points in my gamedev journey.  Several times over the past 7 years since making my first gamejam game. Previously I had always hit hurdles when it came to working with the software. I couldn't grasp how signals were meant to work, how node references worked, how to structure a project, none of it really made much sense. However that messy barrier landscape in my head has been cleared away and I am finding more joy in making little projects in Godot than I had expected, some of my most fun experiences this year. This week has been an amazing rollercoaster of finishing two tiny projects with Godot, and I am happy to dive deeper into the software and deeper into learning the programming language and more of the nodes.

Sundown Flyby is a tiny game made while learning Godot inspired by Flappy Bird. Made over the duration of 2 days as a solo developer using my own custom assets made specifically for this game.

Known issues: High scores are not recorded between sessions currently, if you restart the game the highscore counter will reset.


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  • 12 MB
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