Posted March 28, 2024 by Pablo Mata
Welcome back to our barber shop💈🔪, dear customer. We have our hands full of leeches 🐛 this week, let us tell you:
We are starting production and letting behind the prototipes to start building the game:
One of our mor important assets is the body of all the patients that will come through the barbershop. To avoid issues with censorship (free the third nipple!) we have chosen to start with a male body. Our patient will have a cover face so we dont have to make multiple faces and the doctors doesn't catch feelings.
Our tech artist made the shader as it was before with extra control for art:
To make sure what we need to model for assets we have being working in the level and the composition:
We have a full functional mixing and cooking mechanic and the movement and grabbing of objects works perfectly:
Creating the final version of the book has taken a lot of the hours of the designer. Here some of the new pages:
We have a good start and things are working out. Our fears with programming are a little bit more calm as now we have a good support for it with the IGP and the GD. The easter holiday is coming and we will have extra time to catch up with other subjects and do our work well.
And that's all for now our most beloved clients, may sickness and plague bestow upon thee so we see each other again soon in our barber shop!🩻🩻