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Potion Maze Roadmap

Potion Maze
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey guys! Simple Dev Log here. We wanted to put out a simple Roadmap to let you guys in on what we have in store. So without beating the pickle for too long, lets get into it!


- Update 0.4: Gauntlet Mode. This update will feature the Gauntlet Maze. This will be an added... series of mazes that will challenge the player. Those who want a little more beef to the stew, this mode is for you! Once you enter, you cannot leave until you either die or complete the Gauntlet! (or just save before you enter, we're not your dad). 

- Update 0.5: Secrets. This update will feature secret rooms for you to find throughout your journey! This will mainly be comprised of easter eggs, but we are also tossing around the idea of giving a few of these secret rooms something more substantial. We will also be adding more floors to each of the already established mazes! Giving players a chance for more exploration.

- Update 0.6: The End? This update will feature an improved end game. We understand many will probably play this once and then move on. Thats perfectly fine and we expect that from a game like this! However, for those who find themselves wanting more out of the game, this will provide that little bit of content.

Once 0.6 is released into the wild, the Dev team will sit down and have a discussion on if we think the game is ready to launch into 1.0 or stay in early access. With each update we will also be doing bug fixes, visual and audio improvements, as well as other small additions and fixes that we may find or deem necessary when the time comes. We've had great support since our release into early access, and we thank each and every one of you for your dedication. We won't let you down!

- Retr0Brine Dev Team

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