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Update 0.4.0a

Transformation Dungeon
A downloadable game for Windows

A new major update. with this update i'm also adding a new patron only feature. i'm not going to make this a habit and i can promise that all content will still be released for free. but for patrons i've given access to the console. which is the ability to give console commands to the game to do things like spawn items, cure/cause transformation ect. just a bonus for supporting me. either way here is everything new since update

Added a bunch of new armor

Added a new consumable which may or may not be a reference to something else.

Added a new enemy, bats.

Added 2 new mechanics. flight and what i like to call 'echolocation'.

'echolocation' allows you to see enemies without them being in your light radius.

Added a menu for when you close the game.

Added Saving. the directory for your save file is %appdata%/LocalLow/DefaultCompany/RPG(URP) 

Added the Hub, a area between runs that you'll return to after "dying".

Added the Store. a place you can buy permanent upgrades. 

Added the Zoo. this is a place where you can see extra lore or admire the enemies safely. 

Added Auto walk. Holding down shift and a direction will start to auto walk you in a certain direction without you needing to press anything. 

Changed the name of "Remove curse" to "Reduce curse"  for clarity 

Added the new Examine self spell. this will bring up the limb UI. giving you some information on your transformations. and some added flavor text on some limbs. 

Added regenerating mana. mana will regenerate as you are walking around. (note mana will only regenerate while you are walking, resting will not regenerate any mana)

Added the controls menu. its pretty similar to the section but now you can see it ingame. you can press C to open it.

That is all for this update. i hope you enjoy and have a nice day.


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    68 days ago
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